Baby & Kid Stuff Bag Sale to benefit Jowonio School

Open to the Public: Friday 4/5 from 3PM-6PM and Saturday 4/6 from 12PM-4PM
Newborn to Size 7/8
$5 per bag clothing, $2 for shoes
Books & all other items priced individually
No stuffed animals accepted
Donations can be dropped off Wednesday 3/27 until Wednesday 4/3 between 8:30AM – 3PM weekdays. Check in at Jowonio front desk, 3049 E. Genesee St. Syracuse, NY
Newborn to Size 7/8 clothes
Toys for Ages 1 to 8 years old
Games, Crafts and Costumes are welcome
Winter Clothes welcome
Shoes for Toddlers and Kids up to 8 years old
Sports and Outdoor Toys for Ages 2 to 8 years oldAll donations are tax deductible as Jowonio is a 501(c)3 nonprofit EIN: 16-0981162. Jowonio is a magical preschool that creates inclusive special education for 157 students from 23 school districts. All your donations support our mission!