We seek to provide a rich and stimulating curriculum that will facilitate curiosity, creativity and excitement in learning, as well as build a foundation for success in school in later years. We want children to learn to respond to classroom peers in helpful ways, to make choices and become independent in their work, and to maintain a strong and positive sense of themselves while adapting to the routines and demands a group setting like school requires. We hope to model non-sexist behaviors and encourage nurturing and active play in both boys and girls. We value the great diversity in our community in terms of cultures and needs and the learning opportunities this brings to us all.
Jowonio uses The Creative Curriculum, a nationally recognized, research-based curriculum as the foundation for our curriculum planning. This curriculum focuses on social-emotional development, physical development, language skills, cognitive skills and approaches to learning, literacy, mathematics, science and technology, social studies, and the arts. In addition, our contract with the Syracuse City School District provides access to the New York State Core Body of Knowledge curriculums for literacy and mathematics skills. While each child progresses at their own pace, children’s development in these areas is routinely monitored, and parents are provided with information about their child’s progress at least twice per year.
Movement Opportunities
Magic Bookshop
Field Trips
Social Skills Curriculum
Our curriculum guide is divided into the two main age levels. Please click the buttons to find out more details for each curriculum!